
The nature of luminescence of KI and KI-Na crystals at low temperature deformation after natural decrease in the symmetry of the lattice


The X-ray luminescence spectra at low temperature (90K) uniaxial deformation were researched for KI and KI-Na crystals, that were stored for more than 10 years. The following regularities were observed: firstly, the intensities of the intrinsic emission bands at 3.3 eV (π) and 4.1 eV ( σ ) become equal in com- parison with freshly grown crystals; and secondly, with an increase in the degree of low-temperature uniaxial deformation, a gradual shift of the emission spectra occurs in two directions: the luminescence maximum at 3.3 eV shifts towards short wavelengths, the final position is fixed at 3.9 eV, which prac- tically merges with σ-luminescence; the radiation maximum at 3.0 eV (Ex-radiation) is shifted toward long wavelengths, the final position which is fixed at 2.8 eV. Thus, low temperature uniaxial deformation leads to the separation of the emission spectra at 3,3 eV(π) → 3,9 eV and 3.0 eV ( Ex ) → 2,8 eV, which are interpreted by the separation of weak → on and weak → strong exciton configurations , respectively.

About the Authors

K. .. Shunkeyev
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

N. .. Zhanturina
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

L. .. Myasnikova
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

D. .. Sergeyev
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

Z. .. Aimaganbetova
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

Sh. .. Sagimbaeva
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

A. .. Barmina
K. Zhubanov Regional State University

Zh. .. Ubaev
K. Zhubanov Regional State University


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For citations:

Shunkeyev K..., Zhanturina N..., Myasnikova L..., Sergeyev D..., Aimaganbetova Z..., Sagimbaeva Sh..., Barmina A..., Ubaev Zh... The nature of luminescence of KI and KI-Na crystals at low temperature deformation after natural decrease in the symmetry of the lattice. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials. 2018;2(3):267-273.

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