The Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials is an esteemed international peer-reviewed (Double-blinded), open-access journal, established in 2017 through a collaboration between L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana, Kazakhstan), Republican Public Association "Physical-Technical Society" (Astana, Kazakhstan), and the International Intergovernmental Organization "Joint Institute for Nuclear Research" (Dubna, Russian Federation). The journal's primary objective is to offer authors from Kazakhstan and various other countries a platform to publish and engage in discussions regarding research outcomes in nuclear and particle physics, materials science, radiation ecology, and alternative energy. Since 2018, the Journal has been indexed in Scopus. Continuously adapting to the evolving needs and challenges of the scientific community, the Journal maintains a commitment to maintaining a high standard of quality and innovation in scholarly publishing. Its scope includes nuclear physics, alternative energy (including nuclear and hydrogen, photovoltaics, new energy sources, energy efficiency and conservation, and the environmental impact of the energy sector), and functional materials and related high technology issues. The Journal publishes articles in English on a quarterly basis (March, June, September, and December), encompassing original articles and review articles. Additionally, it is indexed in various databases including Index Copernicus International Ltd Poland, CrossRef (World), Google Scholar, Science Library Index (Meadow Springs, Mandurah State, Australia), Scilit (Basel, Switzerland), ResearchBib (World), Ulrichsweb, CiteFactor, DOAJ, Russian Science Citation Index (e-library), and the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 8, Number 2 (2024)
Original Studies
High-Temperature Thermally Stimulated Luminescence Of The Nacl And Nacl-Li Crystals
K. Shunkeyev, Sh. Sagimbayeva, L. Myasnikova, A. Istlyaup, and A. Kenzhebayeva
The neutron imaging studies of the metal archaeological objects from the Eleke Sazy complex
Ayazhan Zh. Zhomartova, Kuanysh M. Nazarov, Murat Kenessarin, Zainolla S. Samashev, Rinat S. Zhumatayev, Daniyar M. Janseitov, and Sergey E. Kichanov
Utilizing TiO2 nanostructures to synthesize plate-like Bi4Ti3O12 templates via molten salt method
Le Tran Uyen Tu and Le Dai Vuong
Correlation between the direction of prompt neutrons and fragments in the fission process as a tool for studying rotation effect
D. Berikov, G. Ahmadov, Yu. Kopatch, S. Nuruyev, K. Mendibayev, and F. Ahmadov
Thin films of polyanilines and polymer nanocomposites for the development of chemical sensors
Salikhov R.B, Ostaltsova A.D, Salikhov T.R, Balapanov M.Kh, and E.S. Bugybayev