Volume 2, Number 1 (2018)
Original Studies
Reactions 11B + 209Bi at energies above Coulomb barrier
N. A. Demekhina, A. R. Balabekyan, Yu. E. Penionzhevich, N. K. Skobelev, S. M. Lukyanov, and V. Burjan
Matter distributions of light nuclei within the three-body model
B. A. Urazbekov and A. S. Denikin
Setup for the study of the paramagnetic resonance of neutrons of the first kind
M. I. Tsulaia, D. B. Berikov, I. M. Salamatin, Yu. D. Mareev, Yu. N. Kopatch, and K. Sh. Zhumadilov
Quark-hadron phase transition study in hadron-nucleus interactions in self-affine scaling scenario
S. Pal
Influence of overlapping between the fluorescence spectra of dye molecules and the spectrum of plasmon absorption of silver nanoparticles on the luminescence of laser dyes in ethyl alcohol
A. K. Aimukhanov and N. Kh. Ibrayev
Study of Fe3O4 nanoparticles degradation process
A. Kozlovskiy, D. Tuleubayeva, and K. K. Kadyrzhanov
Optical assembly for laser alignment of shafts
I. G. Arslanov, I. G. Galeev, R. N. Suleymanov, O. V. Filimonov, and K. T. Tincherov
Temperature Dependent Hadronic Bag and QGP Phase Transition in Dual QCD
G. Punetha and H. C. Chandola
Development of energy-saving methods for minimization of power and load losses
A. Khabdullin, Z. Khabdullina, and G. Khabdullina