

Based on the magnetic symmetry structure of non-Abelian gauge theories, a dual QCD gauge theory has been constructed which takes into account the local structure as well as the topological features of the color gauge group into its dynamics in a completely dual-symmetric way. Using such dual version of QCD in thermal domain following the partition function approach and the grand canonical ensemble formulation, the phase transition from hadron to QGP phase has been investigated within the framework of temperature dependent hadronic bag in the entire T - μ plane. The various thermodynamic properties like pressure, energy density, speed of sound and specific heat of the hadron/QGP phase have been evaluated and shown to lead an evidence for the first order phase transition. In the region around Tc < T < 4Tc , the specific heat and speed of sound are strongly influenced by the magnetically charged particles directly related to thermal monopoles evaporating from the magnetic condensate present at low temperature.

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