Total reaction cross sections of neutron-rich light nuclei measured by the COMBAS fragment-separator
Preliminary results of measurements of the total reaction cross sections σR for nuclei4He,6He,8He,7Li,8Li,9Li,11Li,7Be,9Be,10Be,11Be,12Be,8B,10B,11B and12B nuclei at energy range (10-50) AMeV with28Si target is presented. The secondary beams of light nuclei were produced by bombardment of the 15N (50 AMeV) primary beam on Be target and separated by COMBAS fragment- separator. In dispersive focal plane a horizontal slit defined the momentum acceptance as 1% and a wedge degrader of 600 µm Al was installed. The Bρ of the second section of the fragment-separator was adjusted for measurements in energy range (10-45) AMeV. The strong absorption model reproduces the A-dependence of σR , but not the detailed structure. We are comparing our experimental data with predictions of microscopic (dashed line) and strong absorption model, Glauber multiple scattering theory and preliminary results are obtained.
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Erdemchimeg, B.; Artukh, A. G.; Davaa, S.; Hue, B. M.; Isataev, T.; Klygin, S. A.; Kononenko, G. A.; Khuukhenkhuu, G.; Lukyanov, S. M.; Mikhailova, T. I.; Maslov, V. A.; Mendibaev, K.; Sereda, Yu. M.; Penionzhkevich, Yu. E.; and Vorontzov, A. N.
"Total reaction cross sections of neutron-rich light nuclei measured by the COMBAS fragment-separator,"
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials: Vol. 3:
2, Article 3.
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