
Article Type

Original Study


The analysis of the experimental data shows that the processes of gas adsorption and radiation defects accumulation in metal oxides correlate with each other and most likely can be described in terms of equivalent kinetic equations. Given this circumstance, the kinetics of accumulation of radiation defects in oxides of di erent metals was analyzed. The obtained equations were used to analyze: a) the kinetics of accumulation of radiation defects in di erent oxide compounds; b) the data on the destruction of radiationinduced defects in the atmosphere of di erent gases, and on the kinetics of absorption by oxides of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide molecules. The results of such analysis are systematized and are given in the form of a table. The following conclusions were made: 1. The quantum yield of radiation defects increases monotonically with growth of the temperature of processing, tending to a certain limit value. 2. The constant of destruction of radicals from ionizing radiation increases as well. 3. The ratio of the number of surface and bulk defects in di erent oxides can be arranged in the following series: silicon oxide> beryllium oxide> aluminum oxide. Thus, the most optimal (convenient) material for creating absorbing systems by energy intensity is silicon dioxide, and by adsorption e ciency is beryllium oxide.

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