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Original Study
The synthesized SrSO4 crystalline powders were irradiated at photon energies from 6 . 12 eV, in the temperature range from 15 . 300K. The investigationwas carried outbythe methodsof atomic absorp tion, luminescence and vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy. Intrinsic emissions were found at 3.7-3.8 eV, 4.2-4.6 eV and 4.9-5 eV, and long-wavelength recombination emissions at 2.6-2.7 eV and 2.9-3.0 eV.The synthesized SrSO4 crystalline powders were irradiated at photon energies from 6 . 12 eV, in the tem perature range from 15 . 300K. The investigationwas carried outbythe methodsof atomic absorption, luminescence and vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy. Intrinsic emissions were found at 3.7-3.8 eV, 4.2-4.6 eV and 4.9-5 eV, and long-wavelength recombination emissions at 2.6-2.7 eV and 2.9-3.0 eV.
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Nurakhmetov, T. N.; Salikhodzha, Zh. M.; Bakhtizin, R. Z.; Zhangylyssov, K. B.; Zhunusbekov, A. M.; Kainarbay, A. Zh.; Daurenbekov, D. H.; Azmagambetova, Zh.; Sadykova, B. M.; Yussupbekova, B. N.; Alibay, T. T.; Tolekov, D. A.; Tulebayeva, N.; and Adil, B.
"The nature of intrinsic recombination emission in SrSO4 irradiated with ultraviolet photons,"
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials: Vol. 5:
2, Article 6.