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Original Study
The radiative relaxation of exciton-like formations in KCl-Na single crystal has been studied by experimental methods of luminescent spectroscopy. The amplifying effect of the radiation intensity with a maximum at 2.8 eV up to 500 times as compared to pure KCl has been detected in KCl-Na. The luminescence efficiency of an exciton-like formation increases with rise in: sodium ions concentration ( 10 ÷ 1000 ppm), thermal exposure ( 500°C÷ 600°C ) and the degree of uniaxial deformation along <100> and <110> crystallographic directions. Previously, such a scale of the luminescence enhancement effect has not been registered in KCl matrix at room temperature. At high sodium concentrations (1000 ppm) in KCl-Na crystals, the additional intense emission with a maximum at 3.1 eV has also been revealed, which is typical for pair sodium ions. It is interpreted that the exciton-like formation in the sodium field with the maximum quantum yield of luminescence is formed by recombination assembly of electron-hole pairs due to the mobility of unrelaxed holes © 2022. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials.All Rights Reserved.
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Shunkeyev, K.; Tilep, A.; Lushchik, A.; and Sagimbayeva, Sh.
"Exciton-like luminescence of KCl matrix under thermoelastic, local and uniaxial deformation,"
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials: Vol. 6:
2, Article 6.