

Today one of the important problems of elementary particle and high energy physics is the study of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions. In experiments with relativistic heavy ion reactions, a new phase of matter: quark-gluon plasma is being studied. It make possible to shed the light on the first seconds of the Universe existence, as well as to quantitatively describe the processes of neutron star merger. Ultra-high density nuclear matter states could be investigated in the collisions of heavy nuclei at energy range 4 - 11 GeV by studying of the particles yields which contained charm quarks in the Multi Purpose Detector experiment at the NICA collider. In this work, the concept of tracking detector was proposed together with the corresponding modeling of such detector whose inner layers consist of new generation large area thin (40 μm ) monolithic active pixel sensors, and whose outer layers are built of pixel sensors (50 μm ) currently used in high-energy physics experiments. The identification capability of a vertex detector that uses 40 μm and 50 μm thick pixel sensors was obtained. These data give the possibility to reconstruct the decays of D+ mesons produced in gold-gold collisions in the NICA complex.

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