

Radiative relaxations of electronic excitations - self-trapped excitons (STE) in regular lattice sites (intrinsic luminescence) and exciton-like formations (ELF) in the field of homologous cations (exciton-like luminescence). It has been found that the maximum effect of luminescence enhancement occurs upon uniaxial deformation along the <110> crystallographic direction (compared to <100>), which coincides with the direction of the self-trapped anion exciton (<110>) in the KBr crystal matrix. The exciton mechanism was estimated from the increase in the intensity of the intrinsic s(4, 42eV) - and p(2, 3eV) - luminescences of STE, and the enhancement of luminescence intensity of near-single Na+ (2.85 eV), pair ions Na+ , Na+ (3.1 eV) and Na+ Pb++ (3.4 eV)- centers - recombination mechanism of radiative relaxation of electronic excitations.

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