Volume 8, Number 3 (2024)
Original Studies
Optimization Of The Photoactive Layer Thickness In Transparent Thin-Film Zno/P3ht:Pcbm Solar Cells
A.K. Abisheva, A.K. Zeinidenov, A.K. Aimukhanov, and B.R. Ilyassov
Electrical conductivity of GMZ grade graphite as a function of fast neutron fluence
Sh.A. Alikulov, S.A. Baytelesov, F.R. Kungurov, I.I. Sadikov, D.D. Tojiboev, A.A. Shaimerdenov, A.S. Nogai, and D.E. Uskenbaev
RF sputtered in-plane NiO-based lithium-metal microbattery
Yer-Targyn Tleukenov, Mukagali Yegamkulov, Yessimzhan Raiymbekov, Arailym Nurpeissova, Zhumabay Bakenov, and Aliya Mukanova
Investigations on the Growth and Optical, Dielectric and Antibacterial activity of L-Leucine Barium Chloride crystals
M. Arul Tresa, B. Helina, and S. C. Vella Durai
Exploration on the efficacy of Ag and CuO nanofluids for pouch lithium-ion batteries and its thermal management
Anitha Dhanasekaran, Yathavan Subramanian, Rajkumar Dhanasekaran, Ramesh Kumar Gubendiran, Abaniwo Rose Mafo, Veena Raj, Hayati Yassin, and Abul K Azad
Mechanisms of intrinsic and impurity electron-hole trapping centers in K_3 Y〖(SO_4)〗_3-Eu and LiY〖(SO_4)〗_2-Eu double cation phosphors
D.A. Tolekov, R.K. Shamiyeva, T.T. Alibay, Zh.M. Salikhodzha, Asset Zh. Kainarbay, B.M. Sadykova, B.N. Yussupbekova, A.S. Nurpeissov, Zh.K. Makhmet, and N. Nazymkyzy
Investigation of thermal and electrical properties of composite cathode materials Pr1−xSrxFe1−yCoyO3 (x= 0.3,0.4; y = 0.2): GDC and La2Ni1-xCoxO4+δ (x= 0.2): GDC for SOFC
Bekmyrza K.Zh., Bakalbayeva G.A., Kabyshev A.M., Aidarbekov N.K., Baratova A.A., Kubenova M.M., Kabdrakhimova G.D., and Kuterbekov K.A.